Being a parent is the hardest, most fun thing you can be!
Against The Grain
Elf on the Shelf Ideas Elf on the Shelf with Bible Verses: We have been doing elf on the shelf for years now. My original problem with elf on the shelf was telling my kids that an elf was watching them to be sure they are good. I want to teach my kids that Jesus […]
A Single Moms Never Ending Fight Imagine hearing the words, “You will never have kids” when you are only 22 years old. Those are the words Cynthia had to digest at a very young age. But not just that, she also had to understand that at 22 years old she had 2 massive tumors and […]
Happy Fathers Day To My Husband To my amazing husband, We may not share any biological children together but you deserve an amazing fathers day! You put your daughter above your feelings, your money, your pride and your world. Through the very stressful situation we have gone through getting to a place where you are […]
An Open Letter To My Ex Husband We got married to fast and had a perfect little baby together. We weren’t meant for each other, we are complete opposites, hence the word, Ex Husband. We made each other miserable most of the time… Naturally it all ended with a divorce, but we did it like […]
How NOT To Act This Fathers Day Fair warning here…this is a rant. This is me telling you about something that pisses me off! Soo I’m scrolling through Pinterest checking out some step dad gifts for the kids to make for my husband….can I just say: If a child has a step dad it doesn’t […]
Fathers Day Crafts It is time to get busy on your fathers day crafts! In our home we have 4 dads to make crafts for! I have Aaron’s dad, Josh’s dad, My husband who is also McKenzie’s dad and McKenzie’s step dad….so, we will be busy! We are big believers in celebrating every male who […]
I turned for one second and…Gorilla Shot Dead at the Cincinnati Zoo after a child falls into the enclosure! Can we just talk about the dead Gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo for a minute? I LOVE animals. I have to many animals actually because I love them so much. However, I love my kids more […]
My Son Is A Model I am using today’s blog post to brag! I admit, every once in a while I like to brag on my babies. My son is a model! I mean, he hasn’t booked any jobs yet, but look at this guy! Seriously, he is absolutely gorgeous! This kid has had a […]
Daytime vs Nighttime Parenting Can we talk about children and their bi-polar disposition for a minute! I have to use this moment to vent. Lets talk about parenting our kids in the daytime versus parenting our kids at night time… Daytime Vs Nighttime Parenting Struggles Water: At any point in the day, it can be […]
Homemade Air Freshener Toxic Dangers of Air Fresheners and Scented Candles Why you should be using a homemade air freshener: Synthetic fragrances may be the most common type of chemical in your house. Air Fresheners, plug-in type deodorizers and scented candles can emit hundreds of harmful chemicals known to be carcinogens, respiratory and endocrine disrupters, […]
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