Really live with essential oils. Young Living provides the highest quality oils to help you take control of your health and life. Ditch the pharmacy with me!
Against The Grain
Homemade Bathroom Cleaner Lets talk about comet and how you can make a homemade bathroom cleaner that puts comet into the hall of shame! Comet has 146 chemical ingredients!!!! 146!!!! That's insane right!? Some, probably most, of the chemical ingredients in Comet are thought to cause cancer, asthma and reproductive disorders. Gross! Homemade Bathroom Cleaner - Homemade Comet // Homemade comet is super easy to make and super cheap! A capful of Thieves Concentrate and a shake of Read More
All Natural Household Cleaner Moving onto the all purpose cleaners in our homes. Let talk about some of the dangers we have sitting in our cabinets, then I will give you an alternative way to clean your home using all natural household cleaners! 3 Common Toxic Dangers in household cleaners: 2-Butoxyethanol (window & multipurpose cleaner) Risk: sore throat, narcosis, pulmonary edema, severe liver damage, sever kidney damage Ammonia (bathroom, window & jewelry cleaners) Risk: can Read More
Toxic Dangers of Household Cleaners Lets talk for a minute about cleaning house! When I am cleaning my home, the goal is the make everything a safe, decontaminated area for my children. But, have we been doing it all wrong? When I decontaminate my house, am I using products that are going to aid in the growth of cancer cells in my family? Scary thought right! I'm going to start this series of blog post about the toxic dangers of household cleaners in your home. They are meant to help you, Read More
Homemade Cleaning Wipes - Chemical Free Chemical Free Cleaning Wipes - Thieves Household Cleaner Another post about our chemical free adventure! The only cleaning product we have in our home is an all natural cleaner called Thieves Household Cleaner. It is made by Young Living and it is amazing! Just so you understand what I mean by chemical free...a very quick story! My sister's husband was about to clean their sink with a store bough cleaner. She said, "Stop!!! Don't contaminate our Read More
An Open Letter To My Husbands Ex - Fighting Parental Alienation For a Hurt Child // This is a letter I wrote on a gofundme page 12 months ago...Since then there have been many more ups and downs, but it all still rings true today. Reading this letter reminds me that it is my duty, as a christian, to love his daughters mother anyways.... An Open Letter To My Husbands Ex Its working.....your ploys are a success. Im watching my husband struggle everyday of his life. He misses his daughter, Read More
A Natural Solution to Bedwetting I want to preface this one by saying, I can only post this because my son is 7 and doesn't read my blog! So, what happens on this blog stays on this blog! But, I needed to share our natural remedy for bedwetting blues! Our bedwetting story: My seven year old son, Aaron, wets the bed. He has been to an endocrinologist and a urologist and has had an ultrasound and they have decided his bedwetting is genetic. (His dad wet the bed until he was 11 (sorry Read More
10 Reasons I let my 8 year old carry a stuffed animal Recently my 8 year old son asked us to buy him a stuffed bunny to match the one his 4 year old step sister carries around. Although my husband was not overly excited about the idea, I bought him the stuffed bunny. Now, he carries it everywhere he goes! He has named him Geoffrey and he spends time talking to him and "feeding him". When he wants to bring Geoffrey into the grocery store, my husband is reluctant to allow it but I am Read More
Homemade Laundry Soap Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe In a quest to go chemical free, lots of things in our home are now homemade! I had to to share my favorite homemade laundry soap! I buy a kit from amazon called Laundry Soap Kit - Fels Naptha-3 bars, Borax & Washing Soda. // First take the 3 bars of Fels Naptha Laundry Bar and grate it with a cheese grater. This is the only part that takes any kind of work. It can be done in about 5 minutes! What I did was took an Read More
Relationships - What we teach our children Part 2 - The role of the christian wife Here is another post that I am sure I will catch some heat for...after posting about respecting my husband there were a few people that were less impressed with the idea of respecting your man! I stand by my belief in the Bible and all that God has done for us! So, I'm moving on with part 2, The role of the christian wife! First a quick overview of the roles God has given woman in the marriage: Care Read More
Knitted Flat Circle I searched high and low for a pattern to knit a flat circle. After going into my local knitting store and being told to knit wedges I decided I needed to figure this out on my own. I needed a circle, not a hexagon. I like the wedge design for many things but I don’t like the points it makes around the edges. So I played and played and here it finally is! // // The circle can be bigger or smaller by casting on more or less. Simply change each number in Read More