Against The Grain

Blog Archives

Cooked Carrots Recipe

Best Ever Cooked Carrots Recipe Through my adventures of health and nutrition I am loading me and my family up with vegetables!!! The other night while cooking dinner I noticed a half a bag of carrots that were going to go bad soon. So, for the first time ever, I made carrots as our vegetable that night. Yes, first time ever, I know its terrible! Anyways, I thought, I want to make these delicious, like carrot cake! So I started thinking what goes in carrot cake? Brown sugar, cinnamon, Read More

My Journey To Health and Nutrition

My Journey To Health and Nutrition I have struggled with picky eating since I was a little girl. My mom was far to nice to me and didn't force to many things on me that I didn't like. So, my picky eating transferred into adult hood. I order everything plain and when I cook I hardly ever cook vegetables. If I do cook vegetables its only because I want my kids to eat them but we all only have a tiny serving. I have always known that my body was lacking proper health and nutrition. I was missing Read More

Toxic Dangers of Household Cleaners

Toxic Dangers of Household Cleaners Lets talk for a minute about cleaning house! When I am cleaning my home, the goal is the make everything a safe, decontaminated area for my children. But, have we been doing it all wrong? When I decontaminate my house, am I using products that are going to aid in the growth of cancer cells in my family? Scary thought right! I'm going to start this series of blog post about the toxic dangers of household cleaners in your home. They are meant to help you, Read More