Essential Oils and

Against The Grain

Why Essential Oils Will Never Be FDA Approved For Medical Purposes

Why Essential Oils Will Never Be FDA Approved For Medical Purposes

What does one have to do to get their drug approved through the FDA? Well, believe it or not, it depends on the amount of money you can spend! But before getting into that, let me tell you the “extensive” process, used by the FDA, to approve a new pharmaceutical drug…

  1. The FDA reviews the drug and the clinical trials already performed and decides if the drug’s benefits outweigh its known risks. If so, the drug is approved for sale.
  2. Then….oh right, that’s the whole list….

The FDA must spend a significant amount of time on this review right…..

Depends, how much money do you have?

See, the FDA has what they call, expedited approval programs. Yes, you read that right, the FDA had a system in place they felt necessary for reviewing drugs before approving them, but it was a long one so they found a way to make more money and speed up the process…I’m sure this is just as thorough…excuse my sarcasm.

The FDA’s expedited approval programs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) expedited approval programs – also referred to as fast-track programs ­­– give doctors and patients quicker access to new drugs and devices that are sorely needed to treat a number of health issues. This is called the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA).

PDUFA changed the way drugs can be approved and sped up the process by giving the FDA more money to “increase staff.” Prior to the law, FDA funding came only from the U.S. government. The process often took so long that drug companies complained that FDA delays cost them money(Uh oh, we don’t want drug companies make less money). For the first time, the agency began taking fees from the very companies whose drugs they were tasked to review. While this provided the struggling agency with funding to get more work done, some experts worried about a conflict of interest (ya think).

Lets break that down…

The FDA was slow and only got money from the government. The drug companies weren’t making the maximum amount of money possible because the FDA was slow. So, the FDA made a program that allowed the drug company to PAY the FDA to do their work…faster…Seems legit!

fda fast track programs

 The FDA recently ran into a problem…

A large percentage of the population is now interested in natural remedies. Many times, natural remedies can reduce our symptoms without side effects and at a fraction of the cost of a doctor visit and a prescription. But natural remedies come at a cost, and that cost is to Big Pharma.

Pharmaceutical companies are losing big money as researchers show what humans have known for a long time: by improving our health through diet, exercise, and natural remedies, we can avoid most reasons to go to the doctor and consume both over-the-counter and prescription drugs. ~Activist Post

Uh oh….bad news for all of those companies profiting off of our illnesses!

deaths during 2 yr period

If essential oils are so great, why hasn’t everyone moved to them?

Aromatic plant oils precede medicine and pharmaceutical products by thousands of years. The National Institutes of Health’s website has published thousands of peer-reviewed studies proving the benefits of these oils. There is big healing, but not big money in essential oils.

big pharma profits

Why isn’t there big money in Essential Oils?

You can not patent a plant! Paying for an FDA study for a product that anyone can create at home is out of the question!

Essential oils are wholly natural and cannot be patented.

This means that you’ll never see an essential oil in a pharmaceutical drug. As such, you can expect that the vast majority of mainstream healthcare practitioners will never recommend essential oils as therapeutic alternatives to drugs. More importantly, because essential oils cannot be patented, drug companies will not waste money studying them.


 Look at these numbers:

  • In 2013, the total amount spent on drugs topped $329.2 billion. That’s roughly $1,000 per personLast Week Tonight
  • In the United States, the cost of prescription drugs rises 12% every year – Weedist
  • In 2012, of the 12 new-to-market drugs approved by the FDA, 11 of them were priced above $100,000 per-patient per-year –Alternet
  • The worldwide pharmaceutical market revenue in 2013 was $980 billion, almost twice as much as it was only 10 years before ($498 billion in 2003) – Statista
  • The global market for pharmaceuticals topped $1 trillion in sales in 2014. The world’s 10 largest drug companies generated $429.4 billion of that revenue. Five of the top 10 companies are headquartered in the U.S.: Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Abbot Laboratories, Merck and Eli Lilly.
  • With the help of staggering profits and 1,100-plus paid lobbyists, the industry has gained powerful leverage on Capitol Hill. From 1998 to 2014, Big Pharma spent nearly $2.9 billion on lobbying expenses — more than any other industry. The industry also doled out more than $15 million in campaign contributions from 2013-14.
  • But the large amount of cash Big Pharma bestows on government representatives and regulatory bodies is small when compared with the billions it spends each year on direct-to-consumer advertising. The U.S. is one of only two countries in the world whose governments allow prescription drugs to be advertised on TV (the other is New Zealand).

big pharma stats

 So, what do you do?

Research, research, research! Make decisions for yourself, don’t rely solely on what Big Pharma tells you. Remember they are being paid to speed this process up! Essential Oils will not make their way through the FDA approval process because there just isn’t enough money in it. Take charge of your own health and rely on your own judgment and research instead of relying solely on the research from those people making the money! Read all sides of everything, then come back to me and let me know you’re ready to take charge of you families health!

Essential Oils are one of many ways I have chosen to take charge of my families health, but it is not the only way! Changing out your toxic cleaning products and personal products is just as important. I still take my kids to the doctor, but we go for the holistic approach to fix their aliments first. If I don’t see improvement, then I will in fact buy that prescription drug the doctor offered! I feel fortunate to live in a country that has access to modern medicines because they can save lives…but when you jump to them for every little thing, it becomes more of a danger than an aid!

Take charge of your own health!

~Laura Wright

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Why Essential Oils Will Never Be FDA Approved For Medical Purposes
Article Name
Why Essential Oils Will Never Be FDA Approved For Medical Purposes
Why Essential Oils Will Never Be FDA Approved For Medical Purposes - There is big healing in essential oils but there isn't big money in them!
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Living Wright
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